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What is UNSCR 2250?

The United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 (UNSCR 2250), adopted unanimously in December 2015, is a landmark resolution recognizing the crucial role young people play in promoting peace and security. It's the first-ever resolution dedicated to Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS).

History and Rationale

Prior to UNSCR 2250: The rise of violent extremism among young people posed a significant threat to global stability. This resolution emerged from efforts to address this concern and build upon existing initiatives like the Global Forum on Youth, Peace, and Security.

Importance of Youth

Recognizing that young people (defined as 18-29 years old) constitute a significant portion of the population in conflict-affected areas, UNSCR 2250 acknowledges their potential as agents of positive change and peacebuilders. By engaging them meaningfully, communities can address the root causes of conflict and build lasting peace.

This pillar emphasizes actively including young people in decision-making processes related to peace and security at all levels (local, national, regional, and international). This could involve youth councils, consultations, and representation in key bodies.


This pillar focuses on safeguarding young people from violence, exploitation, and abuse, particularly in conflict situations. It prioritizes measures to address child soldiers, human rights violations, and gender-based violence.


This pillar acknowledges the root causes of conflict that disproportionately affect young people, such as poverty, lack of education, and marginalization. It advocates for investments in education, economic opportunities, and social inclusion to address these issues.


This pillar recognizes the need for strong collaboration between various stakeholders, including governments, civil society organizations, young people themselves, and the private sector. It encourages joint efforts to implement YPS initiatives effectively.


This pillar supports young people who have been involved in armed groups to leave violence and reintegrate into their communities. It focuses on rehabilitation, psychosocial support, and livelihood opportunities.

Disengagement and Reintegration