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YPS Resources on UNSCR 2250

Here are some Websites and Books that provide valuable information and resources about UNSCR 2250 and Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS):

United Nations For Youth

This website provides a wealth of information about UNSCR 2250, the first resolution on youth, peace, and security. It also offers access to background papers and summary reports based on youth consultations.

Youth4Peace Portal

This portal offers an overview of the Progress Study on Youth, Peace, and Security and its organizational structure. It also provides a guide on translating Youth, peace, and security policy into practice.

UNOY Peacebuilders

This website provides a toolkit on UNSCR 2250, which includes key documents, progress updates, new YPS focus areas, and guidance on implementing UNSCR 2250.

Translating Youth, Peace & Security Policy into Practice

This guide is intended to help those interested in beginning to implement UNSCR 2250 locally and nationally. It provides a roadmap for forming a multi-stakeholder alliance around youth, peace, and security.

UNSCR 2250 & Beyond: A Youth Toolkit

This toolkit is divided into five sections: Key documents, UNSCR 2250 progress, New YPS focus areas, Implementing UNSCR 2250, and What’s next? It provides a comprehensive understanding of UNSCR 2250 and its implications.